How I Found My Fairy Blogmother

I hope some or all of you will check out one very funny post “Paint Chips, A Pap Smear, and Dr Wu Who?”

Office Diva is amusing and genuine, and a very nice person. I’ve only helped her a tad. She is actually embellishing my itty bitty act of kindness. But I adore her for being so lovely and for giving me far more credit than I deserve. I hope my followers will check out her blog. She is full of humor and wields a mean camera. There is bound to be something on her blog that will amuse you and inform you. Scenes of central Texas, dogs, hilarious family stories, Mexican food, macros, Longhorns- it is all over on Loofah’s Good by Office Diva.


28 thoughts on “How I Found My Fairy Blogmother

  1. Reinhardt says:

    Loved reading this, well done to the both of you!!

  2. You DESERVE IT!!! I just popped over and wrote a nice little “Yvonne sent me, love note” and gave a cyber hug. Love it when friends connect friends. 🙂

  3. shoreacres says:

    Personally, I’m not at all opposed to a little fermenting. That long, slow fermentation process is the difference between Boone’s Farm and a nice 1977 cabernet. The best things take some time. (Now, granted – rotting on the vine is a different matter, but you certainly don’t have to worry about that.)

    Everyone needs a fairy blogmother – I loved reading about you reaching out to help Office Diva. When I started, I got most of my help through the WordPress Forums, but they were a different sort of place back then. There were more volunteers, there weren’t so many bloggers, and there was a real sort of camaraderie. In fact, three of the volunteers who were of the most help to me are gone now – one to run her own business, one to private blog consulting and one to death – but I have great memories of them all.

    I don’t need any urging to follow Office Diva, of course. I don’t even know how I found her, but I’ve been enjoying her blog for some time. I’m just grateful to have a rainy morning to catch up with commenting. It can be hard to keep up with everything!

    I hope all’s well with you, and that you’re continuing to feel better!

    • Thank you Linda for the lovely comment. I cherish your comments and of course I relish your blog. Office Diva visisted you first I believe. I sent her a list of the bloggers that I like the very most and who write appreciative comments to those people who have visited their blog. I did write to her that picking the right blog to follow and one that falls within your realm of interests is a blog that is worth your time. It all reaps dividends by being nice, thoughtful and, kind. A blogger who really works at being a good writer, photographer, or dispenser of good information is one that I will follow. Blogging for me is a substitute for television. It has been far more entertaining and informative than any TV show that being aired. A good news program is the exception.

      One more thought relative to what you have written. Blogging, I believe has helped my mind remain in pretty good shape. It helps with eye and hand coordination and stimulates my brain.

      And, thank you, I am feeling some better but still not where I’d like to be.

  4. TexWisGirl says:

    that is really sweet of her. 🙂 i struggled for my first 6 mos. of blogging, too. begging friends and family to read and sign up as followers (when they didn’t really understand what blogging was). then an outdoor trail-cam blogger found my blog one day, signed up to follow, i found other blogs on his sidebar that i loved, and as they say… the world of cross-blogging was opened to me. 🙂

    • Theresa, thank you for commenting. It is difficult for me to learn that you did not know the ropes when you began blogging. But look at you know. Wow! are you popular or what? I have to scroll past 135 plus comments when I comment on your blog. Your blog is top quality and that is why you are so popular.

  5. chatou11 says:

    Now Office Diva will have new followers and as I said you are a good person Yvonne!
    Nice week to you.

    • Thank you Chatou for the nice comment. I am merely an average person that enjoys helping other people when I see a need that might be within my ability. I suppose that is one of the things that I find appealing about rescuing animals. I am a “helper by nature.”

  6. Andrew says:

    I’ve tootled on over too and yup, its a real goody. Another Follower racked up. And the recommended post had me in stitches. Thank you Yvonne.

    • Thank you, Andrew for saying that you will now “follow” Diva’s blog. I am sorry that I have not been over to comment on your blog as I had been doing for a while now. I have lost steam, so to speak and I could not keep up with your posts.I was trying to support Diva and she was posting several times a day on some days. It was as if I were following a whirlwind.

      But I shall be back for your next post and maybe I can go back and catch up. I am feeling sort of better and hope to do my own post before long.

      Gerard commented that Diva is funny without even trying and I think that he is right.

      • Andrew says:

        Lovely to hear from you, Yvonne. I’m happy you have been helping Diva. She is a very natural writer. Gerard is right. You are a real support to us all but you must look after yourself first and foremost. Just drop by whenever the mood takes you and you will be warmly welcomed.

        • Thank you, Andrew. You are always so nice to comment my way and I am grateful for your visits. I am striving to get better and this health issue removed my “props.” I just take it slowly and then rest a bit and then get back up for more. Thank you for the warm words and welcome mat.

  7. Hi Yvonne
    I went over there to visit too, and probably left far too lengthy comments, as ever. It was kind of you to help her out (whatever it was you did), and I think for the most part, there are a lot of helpful and thoughtful people out there in this blogging community.

    Of course, I got totally carried away on the screening post. I can never resist commenting about screening as it was one of my responsibility areas in the health service, so I knew it inside out (so to speak) and upside down. Plus, our system is so very different to yours because we have a national programme of call and recall for both. Separately run.

    I saw her latest dog photo post too, that was lovely.

    Do hope you are feeling better.

    • Thanks so much for the comment. I don’t feel your comments are ever too long. I love long comments and I, at times make my fairly long as well.

      I know that she is thrilled to read your long comment. I’m pretty sure that it will make her day to see my followers going over to read and follow.

      I just gave her pointers about posts, tags, how to look for followers and to find people that are going to comment rather than act as if they are too good to write a word. I also told her to dump people who are only liking and that never commment. And to drop those blogs that never ever will visit yours such as many photography blogs. I told her to be a really good commenter on other blog sites and how to pick a blog to follow.

      • I think it depends on the types of blogs we have. I prefer thoughtful comments and sometimes a discussion, to meaningless one-liners. Each to our own.

        Excellent advice. And, truth is, we have to be ruthless in our blogging practices. I see ‘likes’ and ‘follows’ by people who never visit to comment as soft spam. I don’t have like enabled on the blog so it’s pretty clear if they like and don’t comment they just click on Reader without visiting my blog.

        Photo blogs, life learning courses, and goodness knows what else. I do follow a handful of photoblogs, Andrew, Pix&Kardz, Phil, Vicky come to mind immediately. But they all write text, and pay reciprocal visits.

        I am not wasting my time, saying ‘gorgeous photo’ to something with no to little text, for someone who can’t be bothered to either reply on their blog or repay the visit as a courtesy.

        Not that I understand baseball or whatever, but I probably go by the three strikes principle.

        Sometimes you can get it wrong on the ones to follow/comment. And sometimes although there is a circle of bloggers who visit each others, they don’t all gel together. That always strikes me as odd. I did start writing a post about it. And got distracted.

        I might finish it. It’s a bit like the sixth person syndrome, but in this case it can often be less. I’m wofflng and I need to sort out some finance papers for my board of management and sent out some bills.

        • By all means get those papers done. I hate paper work. Detest might be a more appropiate word for my reluctance to take care of papers. I tend to shuffle then around on the table. I’m not sure why I’ve got suce a problem with paper.

          Anyhow, I agree with what you have written but really does it matter if there is a core group that follows certain blogs? I have seen that with other blogs that I have visited.I don’t think any group has to mesh as long as the individuals are warm and receptive about the topic. I like ideas and I really enjoy reading other people’s comments on the blogs that I follow.

      • OK, I did it. Phew. Checked the figures 50 million times and fingers crossed they are right. My table is overflowing with papers. Once a year I clear it and we manage to sit at the table to eat, and then it piles up with papers again 😦 They are also on the ‘phone table, on top of the printer, in boxes on the floor ….

        No it doesn’t matter, it just puzzles me that you can have a good rapport with some bloggers, and yet fail to hit it off with some that they mix with. That’s life though, just like people you know.

        I did comment on a few more of OD’s posts, mostly the dog ones! and the texas longhorn one. It struck me that she might suffer the Freshly Pressed syndrome where you get a flurry of comments on one post and then everything falls back to low numbers of comments so I thought I would have a browse around to make myself aware of her blog.

        OD has been very good at replying to all her comments, which to me, is as important as writing posts. Not replying to comments or paying a return visit are my pet peeves. Someone linked back to mine for the golden hour photo challenge thing, so I went over to thank them today. You don’t always need to follow but a little thanks doesn’t go amiss.

        Hope you are listening to all your blogging pals and looking after yourself and your lucky animals.

        • Thanks Ms. Gib for the reply. I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to answer. I felt pretty good today and so I was busy getting things done with the some of the cats and supervising a temporary young helper. I’m trying to catch up with things that were not done back in the spring.

          I stack papers around as well but I’m working on that aspect and I am now throwing out bills and all sort of junk or taking to Goodwill. I went past my level of energy and so I am more than tired so I need to slow things down. I’m going to cut this reply short for I am jsut too tired to write much more. I go for an echogram at 11am tomorrow, Friday. I really hate these meds that I am taking to keep my heart at a regular rate. Later.


  8. Yes, Diva is very funny, genuinely funny. Doesn’t try. That’s why she is funny. Can’t help herself, she is the real M/s McCoy.

    • Gerard,I am so glad that you are following Diva. You got that right about being the real deal. She is a jewel for sure. Thanks for commenting. And you are a real McCoy as well.

  9. Lottie Nevin says:

    I really LOVED this post and you, dear Yvonne, thoroughly deserve the title of Fairy BlogMother. You are a loyal supporter and commenter on many blogs and you always have something interesting, fun, thoughtful or funny to say. Trust me, you have A LOT of fans. I think it’s great that Office Diva has written this post – not just acknowledging your help and thanking you for it, but showing the world just how wonderful you are. Good on her! oh, and I agree “Paint chops, A Pap smear and Dr wu Who?’ is definitely worth checking out 🙂

    • Lottie, I am laughing my behind off my chair for I saw my mistake too late and then had to edit what I had written. At least I think I corrected chops to chips but I sure might have missed on that AGAIN. I am such a lame brain. I question every day how in the world I made it this far and to this age. You know the the old saying, “He/she lived to a ripe old age?” Well for the past few months I’ve felt as if I have been left on the vine a tad too long for now I’ve begun to ferment since I am dizzy just about all the time.

      You are too kind for words. I don’t know about fans but thank you and the feeling is mutual.

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