Category Archives: DOGS

Charlie the Beagle and the Baby He Loves

I am way delinquent in posting anything in my blog. Another video is all I’m up for at this time. There are plenty of posts over in that drafty spot but I have no motivation to edit any. Hopefully one day I will suddenly arise from a state of mind that I would not wish on an enemy.

Charlie the beagle is one of my favorites and I have watched probably ten times. It makes me cry every time I watch the lovely video. The little dogs’ devotion gets to me. If only people were this nice to each other.

Most likely my followers have seen this some place before and I apologize for being lazy.




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Things A Dog Lover Should Not Forget (video)

I saw this on Face Book and perhaps many of you have previously seen this video. I think it’s well done and the music is not bad. You might even shed a tear or two if you love dogs as much as many of the bloggers that I follow on Word Press.                Video is below.


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Saving Sally at Salvation Army

Sally, fully grown now. Late summer, 2015.

Sally, fully grown now. Here she is about 80 lbs. Early spring, 2015.

I want anyone to know, who might happen to read Sally’s little story that I do not write these pet stories looking for a pat on the back or some sort of praise. I am not a rescuer per say and do not wish to be known as anyone special. I do what I do because I love dogs and cats. I don’t have a lot of money but live simply in order to take in an animal here and there. Some are placed in an appropriate home when the match is a good one. Other animals I keep because they have behavioral issues or health issues. Some I keep because they are happy with me and a good fit. People are reluctant to adopt an animal with any kind of health need/s that requires spending a bit of money. This is something that I will never understand. They are often passing up the best friend they will ever have.



Labor Day week-end of 2014. During an afternoon rain, I was sleeping soundly and dreaming some sort of nonsensical dream when my cell phone rang. I reached for the phone and mumbled something that resembled hello.

“Hey, Yvonne. You sound tired. Were you napping? Are you feeling ok?”

“Well , yes Katey I was asleep. What’s going on?”

” Oh not much. Me and Merlin. came to eat and it’s raining real hard. Do ya think ya could give us a ride home?”

“So, where are you?”

“Oh,  not far from the rails, bout maybe two blocks. I think it’s south something.”

Katey, I’m sorry but what do you mean two blocks from the rails?”

” Oh,  yea. the rails as in choo-choo, Ya know, train tracks.”

Katey you are feeling your spring oats. I wish you’d get your story and your direction on the right track. And I’m not making a pun. The odd thing is that you have jumped the track somewhere along the way.”  What is the landmark nearest you? Are you in a building with a name or at somebody’s house?”

“We’re over here not far from Franklin and the Dr Pepper museum. I think it’s 5th or 6th or something close to that. Maybe Webster. Ain’t no house. It’s sort of like a store but it’s a building.”

“Can you go ask someone where you are. Do you think, with your apparently addled brain today, that you can give me a landmark and then I can find you?”

“Oh, yea, I’ll do that.”

For some strange reason , Katey was so vague I thought she must have been out “to lunch” and had not found her way back.  I continued to hold my cell phone and finally she began to speak.

“Oh we’re here at the Salvation Army where we usually eat breakfast and supper.”

“Well  Katey that makes sense. Why didn’t you say that in the first place?”

“Oh, I never thought about that. I didn’t’ think you’d know the location.”

Salvation Army. Why oh why, did Katey not say that in the first place? This young woman is extremely smart but sometimes common sense is not her forte. The best groomer I’ve seen who can handle just about any cat or dog and never get a scratch.

I drove down town and across the tracks to Salvation Army. As I pulled up to the curb, a skinny, scrawny, mangy, whitish  dog ran to the truck and sat down on the curb. Katey and Merlin were standing under an awning and then walked to the truck as the dog continued sitting and looking forlorn and in apparent anticipation. There was still a light rain. And, the dog was wet and she looked more beige than white. And she was not a small dog. In fact the dog was almost as tall as my big lab. Muddy.

“Okay Katey. where did the dog come from and why is it sitting by the truck?  Did you tell it that I am the taxi service for humans as well as canines?”

“I’m sorry Yvonne, I don’t think she belongs to anybody and those guys over there said she sometimes follows homeless people around to get fed a meal here. A bunch of people got in a car and the dog is still here. Nobody claims her. I already asked.”

Oh, that’s great. A homeless dog with mange and soulful eyes to boot, at a homeless shelter for the poor and downtrodden. What a dilemma.  Should I leave her here and maybe she’d get run over? I can tell she’s young with very little fur.Maybe about  7-8 months old-just a wild guess. 

“Ok Katey, you and Merlin put her in the back seat of the truck. I sure hope she does not throw up. I’ll bet she’s never ridden in a vehicle before.”

Half way to Merlin’s parent’s house there was a big heave and up came turkey, carrots, gravy and, mashed potatoes. The rest of the ride was disgusting but we made it to Merlin’s house and then Katey. and I drove to my house. By the time we made it to my house the rain had stopped.I found an old collar that had belonged to Molly, one of my labs and attached a leash to the collar. We tied her to the back chain link fence. Then we got buckets, Dawn dish detergent and two rolls of paper towels. We both went to work to clean up the sticky, smelly mess from the floor board of my truck. It appeared that she had only been eating human food and it was greasy and disgusting.

We finished cleaning  and then it was time to tackle the dog. I had warmed Katey. before hand that she would need to help me with the dog. First order was a bath with as much water on two humans as there was on the errant canine. She jumped and bucked around for a bit but then finally gave in after realizing she was feeling better. Pink skin and some sores showed through sparse hair which had thinned from what appeared to be sarcoptic mange.

Katey. and I toweled her dry and  stood in awe of the big dog. She was actually white with a patch of black on one hip and symmetrical markings of black on her head and ears. I also noticed that she had dew claws which meant she was Great Pyrenees mixed with something but at the time I had no idea what kind of mix. Big Dog had short coarse fur and I figured that she was not going to be a long haired fluffy dog- even after her fur would hopefully grow back.

Katey and I had a short discussion about what to do for fleas and mange and we concluded that an application of Revolution that I had on hand, would take care of the fleas and the sarcoptic mange. I decided that all she needed was a bowl of water and then we put her in a large wire cage that I had bought months earlier from Attwoods, a farm and feed store.

Big Dog was not immediately happy in the crate but soon settled down on a bed of clean coastal Bermuda hay. She whined for a bit but soon went to sleep. It was probably the best sleep in her life thus far. Katey. and I stood outside the welding shop where we had placed the cage. I looked at Katey. and said, “you know, I try to give my animals a name that fits them. I think I’ll call her Sally, for Salvation Army.

Note: There is more to the story – much more. I still have Sally and she is a pretty dog, very smart and very head strong. I hope to finish her story at some point. It’s educational because it involves a disease that almost killed Sally. I think  a lot  can be learned from her symptoms, emergency treatment and the meds that saved her life.

Sally playing wiht a shop rag

Sally playing with a shop rag. In this photo -age approximately 11 months?

Sally walking up the lane toward me. Still looking a puppy

Sally walking up the lane toward me. Still looking like a puppy

July, 2015. Sally with jher favorite toy.

July, 2015. Sally with her favorite toy.

Post and photographs property of Yvonne Daniel

Reblog with permission.

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She Was, a Lady

Lady: Border collie: March, 1998 to June 3,2014 She belonged to my son, Danny. She lived to be near him and to ride in the truck. Lady's story begins below Lady: Border collie: March,1998 to June 3,2014 Lady was my son’s dog. She lived to be near him and to ride in the truck. Here she is looking down the lane as Danny drives away. I’ll write Lady’s story, in segments. If you are not a pet person then pass on by. I’m not a writer. I once read that if one is going to write, it should be in one’s own voice. I’m still in the process of re-doing parts of my initial writing effort. When I wrote this in WP I could not get the italics to work in the proper places so I wrote it all in italics. I’ve edited this post countless times. Now, I think, most of the italics are correct or maybe not but this post needs much more work. I’ve done just about as much as I can muster for a non- writer.

Part 1 “She Was, a Lady.”

Early one morning in 1998 or 1999, DP went out to his red “92” 4×4 Chevy truck to retrieve his cell phone. Dressed in casual garb of faded starched jeans, a denim shirt and, Roper boots he had not bothered to grab a jacket or wear a cap.

The cold and damp March morning air was laden with a foggy mist. “Yea, he thought, the weather feels just like my brain.”  It was not yet spring. He was glad that maybe winter was nearing an end. He shivered a bit as he walked to the driver’s side of Ole Red. Standing there he began ruminating on a relationship that had ended.  His mother was right about many things, but he was not one who would ever admit that, “Mama often know best.”

Making matters worse was the prospect of no jobs- no money. This time of year was worrisome. Income tax time was about a month away and people held back on extra spending for their home or property. No calls had come in for bids on any custom ornamental iron jobs for the past two days. March and April were slow months which meant that he had to be extra frugal. He and his ex girlfriend often argued about money. She liked to go out and be a part of the local nightlife. She loved to dance to country music and much to his chagrin, she could “drink him under the table.” They argued about that too. Too much beer and she flirted with the guys in the bars. Too much beer and twice she had become an embarrassment. Those times she was more than three sheets in the wind. Too drunk to drive to her house, he and a buddy drove her home, placed her on the den sofa, locked the door behind them and left her to sober up. He wondered how in the world he had let her into his life. She worked for an insurance company but spent all her money on clothes and her fancy car. He thought that just maybe she was an alcoholic or maybe not. DP was a man who was always giving folks the benefit of the doubt.  But he knew his mother thought differently. “You’re too good-hearted for your own good and in all the wrong places” How many times had he heard those words and how many times had he been warned? “Why, did I not listen to my mother? “ His now ex-girlfriend left him for greener pastures. Those were her words, “Greener pastures!” Somehow the words didn’t seem to hurt.

He felt devoid of any feelings that morning. “Oh, I’m just ticked. But I feel empty and in a bottomless pit. Anyhow, I’m glad and relieved our relationship ended.” Before opening the truck door, he made a cursory survey of his tree-lined three acres and noticed that he had forgotten to close the sliding iron gate. He unlocked the door to his truck, reached for his cell phone, took a few steps back to slam the truck door and, then felt something brush against his jeans. Quickly he looked down. Sitting near one boot was a waif dressed in a long black fur coat, with grayish brown trimming around the collar and down the front of its chest.  Stunned for a few moments, he muttered, “What in the world? A dog?” It was a pitiful thing with sad, dark brown eyes that seemed to plead, “Please don’t make me leave. I’ve come a long way. I’m tired and very hungry.” He continued to stand and stare and think. “I bet that once upon a time it was real pretty. It has long jet black fur. Maybe that dingy collar is really white. Its ears fold over at the tips. It looks a bit scared but not bad. Wonder where it came from? Now what I am going to do with this dog?  I know that I’ve not seen it across the road or in the general area.” Finally with cell phone in his hand, he quickly dialed a number for an answer to his dilemma. “Mama, some stray dog came from out of no where and must have slept under my truck last night. I found it when I went to get my phone. It looks awfully dirty and skinny. Its coat is matted with pieces of sticks and burs. What should I do with it?” Mama did not hesitate to answer and gave her son instructions. “Take off your belt and put it around the dog’s neck. Lead it into your office and throw one of your old sleeping bags on the floor. You know you have a couple in the storage room. No dog in distress is going to hurt your precious old sleeping bags.  Get a couple of eggs, bread and milk and, stir that all together and pour into a hot cast iron skillet that you’ve coated with Crisco. Stir it until the egg mixture looks done. It’ll give the dog quick energy until I can get there with some canned and dry dog food. We’ll need to take it to Dr. what’s his name, for a microchip scan. I’ll bring a stack of the past two months of newspapers that I’ve saved for recycling. We can look in the lost and found ads. It might have an owner. However, it could be a dog dumped miles from your house. It clearly is a lost dog. Funny that it found its way to you.”

Yea, Mama thinks it’s funny. I’m not laughing and I don’t want the responsibility of a dog. I’ve not had a dog in a long time. Andy was my last dog and that was a long time ago.”  If only I’d closed my gate last night….” Within a few minutes, he had put his belt around the skinny neck of the waif, led it inside and placed a dusty sleeping bag on the floor. Without any coaxing, it plopped down on the bag with a soft groaning sound. He watched the dog for a moment as it moved its muzzle back and forth on the bed. He could see the dog was watching him as much as he was watching it. He took a few steps back to get a better look as the little dog’s eyes followed his every move. “I reckon when it’s cleaned up and has gained a few pounds, it’ll be a good-looking dog. It seems really glad it’s out of the damp cold. Dang, I think those eyes are talking to me.  Huh! I don’t even know if it’s a male or female. What am I thinking? I’ll have to find a home for it if there’s no owner.”  

He was unaware that his mother was smiling and thinking, “Lord, thank you for sending the dog. It’s just what my son needs. He sounded angry and I know that he doesn’t want a dog.  This will help get his mind off that break-up even if it’s a brief reprieve. Maybe the dog doesn’t belong to anyone. And, I seriously doubt that it has an owner. That much I know. People dump their pets when they become too much trouble or they just don’t want them anymore. I’m glad it’s a dog and not some ding-a-ling woman like the last one whose elevator did not go all the way to the top and was detrimental to his ego. She secretly referred to her son’s latest ex-girlfriend as the “gold-duster in conversations she had with her husband about their son’s choice of girlfriends. Mama cringed as she had visions of the Gold duster who always seemed to have every finger of both hands, sans her thumbs, adorned with a gold ring. “Gee monyetti! That girl could put some alcohol away. I know she wasn’t good for my son. I don’t think she cared one iota for him. How in the world did that co-dependent relationship survive that long?” As mama drove the 12 miles to her son’s house she thought that it’s a lucky Friday. It was the beginning of her two days off. And, just maybe a new beginning for her son. Today she had the time and energy to help her son or was it the dog she would be helping or, both?

To be continued.

Please do not copy my work and no rebloging.  Property of Yvonne Daniel

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The Best Dog-Gone Doggy Treats

Cocoa, long haired Chihuahua owned by my friends Sue & Eldon P. of Valley Mills, TX. I took this shot of Cocoa inside their Toyota Rav while they were shopping in Marble Falls,TX.

Cocoa, long haired Chihuahua owned by my friends Sue & Eldon P. of Valley Mills, TX. I took this shot of Cocoa inside their Toyota Rav while they were shopping in Marble Falls,TX.

Annie: “I am not guilty.” Australian Shepherd owned by Dr Lisa Daniel. Annie has become a problem since her human has been ill. Less exercise and she is now chewing Dr.D’s recliner

Just in case anyone is wondering- this is not a paid endorsement for the dog treats. I wish that it were.

The best dog-gone treats that I’ve given to my dogs. These are Dog Pumpkin Treats called “Doggie Delirious.” I found these at my local HEB grocery and my dogs “dig” these. They are inexpensive and all natural and made in the US. Also available at Sam’s club.

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Saving Miley: A Dog Living in a Trash Dump.

This is a, must watch feel good video, about how a dog heals from abandonment and disease and then how she looks 10 months later in her adoptive home. If you’ve got a heart for dogs, this video will make you cry and be overcome with joy.

Please click the link below or above in the title of this post Most viewed “Hope For paws” You Tube video

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Pancreatitis in Pets

Have you ever heard of pancreatitis in humans? Well it happens in cats and dogs as well. And it is a condition that is extremely serious and something that you as a responsible pet owner do not want to happen to your dog or cat. The possibility that your pet could quite easily get pancreatitis is generally caused by eating the wrong foods, and holidays often are the times that a pet either willfully is given rich food or the pet sneaks bites of or maybe consumes the entire roast, turkey, or whatever meat you left on the kitchen counter or dining room table.

Now you ask. What has the food got to do with my pet? For starters- feeding your pet any of this rich food that he/she is not used to eating can lead to a (dangerous and sometimes fatal condition) if left untreated. Am I ruining your holiday mood yet? It would be awful to enjoy the day and then later in the night or the day find that your dog or cat is acting strange and perhaps actually looking sick. As in: lying around, vomiting, groaning in pain, diarrhea, weakness, decreased body temperature. Your pet might not exhibit all of those symptoms but if your dog and to a much (lesser degree cat) is showing any of these signs then get your pet to a vet or animal emergency room immediately.

In mild or minor pancreatitis the outlook for your dog or cat is good. In pets that are very sick the road to recovery is difficult and only 50% of these animals will live. According to Dr. Daniel, other veterinarians and the vet books, eating food other than what you normally feed your dog/cat is the cause of most cases of pancreatitis. Rich food such as the drippings, gravy, the meat, mashed potatoes, deserts, etc, etc. are all bad for your pet.

In little dogs it only takes a small amount of food to make the dog sick. By now some of you might be saying, “I give my pets table scraps all the time.” Perhaps your pet has just been one lucky dog not to have gotten sick. But that does not mean that at any given time in the future your animal is safe from eating table scraps. “Rich food and excessive amounts of food are the problems here.

<span style="color:#800000;In the summer of 2011, I was at Dr D's and I tagged along with her when she was called to look at a 15 year old Yorkie. Indeed the little one was sick.  Dr. D. treated the little dog on site with some emergency meds and then told the people to take the little dog to the emergency room. The Yorkie recovered but early intervention and follow up at the ER probably saved that precious little dog. Her owner had given her a small piece of barbecued rib in the morning and by 2PM the Yorkie was ill. The dog had not previously eaten fatty meat- she had only eaten DOG FOOD.

So don’t be a turkey on turkey day. Give your dog or cat only the food that it normally eats, as in dog or cat food. Even small amounts can make your pet ill.  After all, you want your pet to be around for what ever holiday you celebate or not celebrate in December and in the years to come.

Post Yvonne Daniel

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Peritonitis in Pets

BONES-  these are  dangerous during holiday time or for that matter, anytime time you are tempted to give Rover or Fluffy that delicious looking bone that has just a  bit of meat left on it or maybe no meat. One way or the other it does not matter! DO NOT GIVE YOUR PET ANY KIND OF BONE! Cooked and/or raw bones splinter easily.  

For a pet owner what could be worse than giving your pet a bone that splintered as your dog/cat gnawed on what you deemed  a treat? And what happens to that sharp piece of bone that your pet will swallow? The nitty, gritty of this scenario is the sharp piece can become lodged in the esophagus where it remains stuck unless removed surgically. A splintered bone can pierce the stomach lining or the wall of the intestines. When this happens the contents in the stomach  or the intestines (guts) slowly begin leaking into the abdominal cavity where it immediately proceeds to set up an intense infection which then leads to sepsis meaning that the entire body of the un-lucky pet will have bacteria coursing through its body and to every vital organ. The fact is that by this time your animal will  be too ill to raise its head. This infection is- PERITONITIS.

The crux of the matter is this: when the aforementioned happens, the pet has a small window for a chance of recovery. All of this is gut wrenching( no pun intended) not only for the pet but for the owner who must make the decision for the veterinarian to go all out in an effort to save the pet. But, if money is  limited and it is, for the average person, then the other choice is euthanasia. What a way to end a lovely holiday and then every holiday there after.  The memories of your pet will be there to forever haunt you.

I read a post on another pet site several months or so, ago about how much, would you spend, in an effort to save your pet’s life -WHAT EVER CAUSED  the need for veterinarian intervention.  Saving a critically ill pet involves incredible skill plus treatment and nursing to get your pet back home. There were probably 20-25 individuals who commented on that particular post. Of all the people who commented,  at least 98%  said that no amount of money would prevent them from begging, borrowing, using a credit card, selling possessions, or even re-morgaging their home to pay the cost to give their pet a chance to live. Most wrote that they were not people of means. But they would give up all extra amenities and live as frugal as possible in order to repay the money, however the money was obtained.

Do you think it is okay to feed table scraps and or bones to your dog or cat?

Next post: how to keep your pet from escaping from your property when everybody is celebrating and your home is like grand central station.

Post Yvonne   November 4,2012                                                Original post November 22,2011

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HERO DOG AWARDS – Hallmark Channel October 30, 2014 : 8pm/7pm Central Time

The Hallmark channel presents a special hero dog’s program this October 30th. I highly recommend all dog and non dog lovers watch this very special program. The nominees are through the AMERICAN HUMANE ASSOCIATION.

2014 FINALISTS: Dogs in 8 categories. The judging panel will consist of animal experts and celebrities.

Of note: Here is a link that will give you info about Suzie the dog that won Hero Dog of the Year. A compelling story of the will to live of the dog and the human in this true story.

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In Memory of Boastswain, A Dog by Lord Byron (No comments please)

This is merely another pet loss poem that I have added. Numerous views on my blog are from individuals looking for poems about pet loss. I have several more in draft that I intend to include in the Pet Loss Category so I will be adding more “here and there” or “now and then.”

Live Oak still beautiful after its demise. "All things are born to live and then live to die."

Live Oak still beautiful after its demise. “All things are born to live and then live to die.”

The poem “Epitaph To a Dog” was written by Lord Byron and a close friend. The dog was a Newfoundland and much cherished by the poet.

Epitaph To a Dog

Near this Spot
are deposited the Remains of one
who possessed Beauty without Vanity,
Strength without Insolence,
Courage without Ferocity,
and all the virtues of Man without his Vices.

This praise, which would be unmeaning Flattery
if inscribed over human Ashes,
is but a just tribute to the Memory of
Boatswain, a Dog
who was born in Newfoundland May 1803
and died at Newstead Nov. 18th, 1808

When some proud Son of Man returns to Earth,
Unknown to Glory, but upheld by Birth,
The sculptor’s art exhausts the pomp of woe,
And storied urns record who rests below.
When all is done, upon the Tomb is seen,
Not what he was, but what he should have been.
But the poor Dog, in life the firmest friend,
The first to welcome, foremost to defend,
Whose honest heart is still his Master’s own,
Who labours, fights, lives, breathes for him alone,
Unhonoured falls, unnoticed all his worth,
Denied in heaven the Soul he held on earth –
While man, vain insect! hopes to be forgiven,
And claims himself a sole exclusive heaven.

Oh man! thou feeble tenant of an hour,
Debased by slavery, or corrupt by power –
Who knows thee well, must quit thee with disgust,
Degraded mass of animated dust!
Thy love is lust, thy friendship all a cheat,
Thy tongue hypocrisy, thy heart deceit!
By nature vile, ennobled but by name,
Each kindred brute might bid thee blush for shame.
Ye, who behold perchance this simple urn,
Pass on – it honours none you wish to mourn.
To mark a friend’s remains these stones arise;
I never knew but one — and here he lies.

By Lord Byron

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Abandonded Dog in Compton. Calif. Severe Neglect. A Happy Ending

This is another Eldad Hagar rescue video. Eldad is a special person who is gifted for working with animals. I’ve admired his work for a number of years. Please donate to his non-profit foundation “Hope for Paws” You can type in Hope for Paws on Google and also find a huge number of rescue videos on You Tube, Flickr, and Face Book.

I am no longer astonished to see or read about the cruelty and abandonment of dogs and cats. This rescue grabbed my heart- not sure why. All of Hagar’s rescues are heart wrenching and heart grabbing. This is just one of the many truly inspiring and unforgettable rescues. This poor little dog lived with fur so matted it probably weighed almost as much as he did at the time of his rescue.

He was named Theo by Annie Hart of Bill’s Foundation and I think the name fits this little dog. He became a totally different dog in just 2 weeks time. I hope you’ll take the time to view this video.

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The Homeless and Their Dogs: Comments Are On

Comments: ON Note: I’m feeling some better now with new med and up to addressing comments and reading the blogs that I previously followed. 🙂

Please turn off the sound on your computer. The music contains some vulgar words. If I knew how to get rid of the music I would.

An individual named KittiesBandit on (You Tube) wrote more or less, the following:
“I do not own the photos or the music. This is something that I put together…”

I do not know the name or names of the photographer/s who took the photographs of the homeless and their pets.If anyone knows the name I will provide credit or remove this video if the owner/s object to this post.

Indeed a dog is man’s best friend and if ever one should have doubts, merely watch this video for 30 seconds, or longer if you choose.

I happened to see this video and it struck me in a profound way. Homelessness exists the world over and I feel it is a dilemma of society. In the US the homeless are hardly given a second thought, although some cities are making the effort to place the homeless in their own apartments and various agencies are attempting to reintegrate these men and women back into society.

Causes of homelessness are loss of job, inability to find gainful employment, lack of education, medical conditions with the inability to find treatment, drug and alcohol abuse, lack of affordable housing, and mental illness. Many of the mentally ill were discharged from hospitals years ago with no support system or guidance to help these individuals learn how to seek resources for treatment and how to cope with life in a very cruel society.

The homeless have virtually lost contact with what is considered the norm. They have NO contact with another meaningful human that cares about their welfare. The one constant in the homeless person’s life is often a forgiving being-their pet which does not judge or begrudge their station in life.

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