Birds for Yvonne By “All Downhill From Here”

Andrew Hardacre has been a good blogging friend since 2011 or 2012- just not sure what year I began following and loving his beautiful photography and exceptional writing ability. I hope the few folks that are still following me will hop on over and have a gander at some of Andrew’s posts and marvelous photos. If you like or love birds, I guarantee that you’ll be entertained.

I still can not access my photos in my new W10 computer.I have no motivation for a post Maybe in the future I can find a tech to remedy the situation. I do have some in my WP gallery so perhaps I can create a post from some of those.

All downhill from here

I don’t do as much bird photography these days. I don’t like the standard since I gave up heavy tripods and long lenses. Everything is a compromise so I just do my best and accept the body is weak even if the spirit is willing. Nevertheless I promised Yvonne I would post some bird shots and here goes:

Starting with Dusky Thrush, taken locally last month.

Turdus eunomus - Dusky Thrush

Verditer Flycatcher, taken in Malaysia in October

Verditer Flycatcher - male

Dark-sided Flycatcher – actually not too bad because the bird was happy for me to approach to within a few metres

Dark-sided Flycatcher

Bull-headed Shrike, another local long stayer

Lanius bucephalus - Bull-headed Shrike

And last but not least Streaked Spiderhunter from my Malaysian (mothing) trip

Arachnothera magna

Oh go on then, one more – Sultan Tit. I struggled to see this species for ages but typically once I had seen one I found them everywhere!

Sultan Tit

Happy 2020, Yvonne.

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21 thoughts on “Birds for Yvonne By “All Downhill From Here”

  1. Your post had been here since December and I missed it! But fortunately now I’ve found and perhaps this is the time I was meant to see these amazing photos. I never paid attention to birds much when we lived in CA except for the hummingbirds. We lived above what I called a “hummingbird tree” – a tree where they slept at night. Then during the day they visited our birdfeeder in droves. But now here in NE with two different bird feeders, we are enthralled and thrilled with the different types of birds who visit daily. I don’t know all the names – still learning but mostly enjoying. Lots of goldfinch and bluebirds and woodpeckers and flickers galore. This week we were honored with a visit from a Baltimore Oriole! And one week ago, the day after my mom died, the first ruby-throated hummingbird flew to our hummer feeder, looked me right in the eye, and said “I’m right here.”

    • I am so sorry to be so delinquent in replying to your comment. My computer has been on the blink off and on for a long time and I am now again using my older computer after a tech got it working again-more or less. Anyhow it is very nice to read about your bird experiences. I envy you all the birds that you are seeing in New England. I would love to have blue birds visit my yard but my property is too wooded. Perhaps you might want to add a bird house or two which would add to the enjoyment. Thank your for visiting and for the lovely comment.

      • HI!! So good to see your comment. We added a wren bird house last spring, but no takers. I think maybe it’s “swinging” too much on a branch and needs to be supported better. Might try that next spring. Great suggestion about adding some bird houses to the yard, Yvonne -I’d like to add a bluebird house also. Take care!

        • The wren house sounds good but yes, try to find a stable location and if you have a fence post, wire the house to the post. Or you could attach to a single standing post made of metal. Look in Google for how to erect a bird house and also You Tube which I believe will have tutorials. Wishing you good luck in attracting both wrens and blue birds.

  2. chatou11 says:

    Hi Yvonne, my goodness I did not see these wonderful birds of your friend. The pictures are so beautiful, thanks for sharing.
    I am glad to see a new post on your blog. I also have problems since I have Windows 10..
    Would love to see another post from you.
    Sorry for the translator which is not very good but at the moment you are the only one commenting in english, some of the others make just a like… I don’t go to see so many blogs as before.
    Best regards and take care

  3. Absolutely stunning photographs. We just had an email from the Spanish ornithologist who stayed in our little house in Sri Lanka and he identified 49 types of birds just on our property. Exciting to us neophytes, as all the years we lived there we struggled to identify what we saw and heard. Not easy to do from a book with limited experience in identification. Now we await the list and looking forward to seeing what was right outside our bedroom door!


    • That is exciting. Nearly 50 species is quite an extraordinary find: that many right outside your door. It is indeed a paradise. How wonderful to have a bird expert living in your home. I wonder if you will ever be able to return there- even just to visit?

      Did he, I hope, photograph his finds? And, if so, I am hoping that you will be able to post some of those on your blog. I am a long time birder, here in Texas but have not picked up my binoculars in over 25 years. Me eye sight was so bad that I could not see diddly I found that the problem was caused by my cataracts. I have better vision since cataract surgery so I have e bit of incentive to “go birding” again.

  4. Beautiful birds. For similar reasons to Andrew I’ve given up on bird photography and life seems to be getting in the way of any other types of photography, Yvonne.

    I’ve not been blogging either, no photographs, nothing to say, although I’m hoping this year to get out more. Here’s to a healthy and happy new year.

    I hope you get your computer sorted – Mike

  5. Andrew says:

    Thank you for the reblog Yvonne. It’s approaching 10pm on New Year’s Eve and almost time to sleep. I wish you a very happy, healthy and contented 2020.

    • A happy new year to you and Shirley and itty bitty fury Lulu as well. I was very glad to reblog and I just wished I had thought of reblogging sooner. I will go to bed early as well on New Year’s eve

  6. It was nice of Andrew to answer your request and he did so spectacularly. He doesn’t give himself the credit he deserves for the skill he displays. And it’s nice to see them again here on your blog.
    I am sorry that you are having trouble with your computer despite having a new one. I find that upgrading does take some getting used to and I hope you can find a tech to come over and get it all straightened out for you. In the meantime, if your are of a mind, I bet there are some nice images of the dogs and cats who have spent time in your life that you could reblog, maybe even from as far back as before we were friends here. 🙂
    I hope Danny and Lisa are doing well.
    Have a nice New Year’s Eve tonight and Happy New Year, Yvonne.

    • Steve, you are so right about Andrew’s photography. He is a master bird photographer in my opinion. He is ultra critical of his work. I simply can’t find anything wrong with any of his photos.

      My kiddos continue with health problems. Danny with his bum back and Lisa with occipital headaches and severe bursitis in a shoulder. She is facing 1-3 years of physical therapy which will cost a fortune since her insurance only pays a minimal amount.

      Other than that, we are all healthy, other than frustrations of problems occurring in day to day living. And that is something that just can’t be avoided.

      Wishing you and Mary Beth and Bentley a wonderful New Year with good health.

  7. shoreacres says:

    I’m so glad you posted this, Yvonne. Not only are the photos gorgeous, I finally figured out that Andrew is the Andrew who comments at Steve Gingold’s blog on a regular basis. I’d never visited his blog–now I have.

    Apparently I’m going to be forced into Win10, now that support for Win7 is ending. I simply can’t afford a new computer just now, so I’m going to cross my fingers and hope all goes well for a while. I’m going to back up all my files on an external drive, too — just in case.

    Happy New Year to you!

    • Linda, I wish that I had reblogged some of Andrew’s post much sooner. He will be very pleased to know that you too, love birds. He really is an exceptional photographer. I began following Steve Gingold because of Andrew or it was the other way around. I have followed a basic set of bloggers for about 7-9 years. I can’t remember when I began following you. But it has been a while. Thank for visiting and commenting. I do hope that you will have a look at Andrew’s blog.

      Wishing you a lovely New Year’s eve and happy New Year. I must add that W10 has been a nightmare for me with the photo thing. I think it is the way a ” very educated tech” downloaded my pics. He did not do individual folders as he downloaded. I can still get on my old W8 so I am going to have someone else download my photos so then they can be downloaded to the new W10. I had no idea that what I thought was simple, would become a nightmare for me.

I enjoy reading and replying to comments