Comment Bar Not Showing: Problem Resolved via a Forum Member

I’ve posted my comment problem on the forum. Now I am going to see what happens with my old computer. Just want to see if the comment bar shows.

Update: 2/4/2015
From a forum member. Read below.

“Hi there. The comment box appears just fine on your most recent post, but not on older posts. Keep in mind that the option under Settings ->Discussion only applies to new posts.

To make the comment box appear for your already published posts, go to Posts ->All Posts in the classic dashboard ( and enable comments using the quick edit option. You can enable comments for all old posts at once via the bulk-edit feature.”

This link below:
( enable-disable-comments/#bulk-editing-comments



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25 thoughts on “Comment Bar Not Showing: Problem Resolved via a Forum Member

  1. Kathy says:

    Thank goodness it’s fixed. It is such a pain when things like this disrupt us! I was trying to post pictures the other week and the computer froze on a photo of tatsoi (Chinese vegetable like boy choy) and that’s the ONLY picture which could be posted. Yikes. Hope you are having a good weekend. Can you believe it’s March already?

    • Hi Kathy. Thanks for stopping by and commenting. The computer was “fixed” for a while and then about 2-3 weeks ago my computer began freezing and the freezes became longer and more frequent. I had three kinds of anti viral, malware, and spy bot protection on this Windows 7. Finally this past week on Wednesday morning or so it froze totally. I could not open any web pages at all. I took the W7 to a different tech and it cost $140 including tax to get a bunch of viruses and one that was a really bad one removed. The tech said that he had only seen this particular virus on one other computer. How lucky can one person get? ๐Ÿ™‚ Anyhow, the bottom line is that I finally opened a FB account that has virtually nothing on it and I have Netflix when a friend added me to her account. She has other family members on the Netflix. Maybe they have an infected computer? I keep wondering how in the world I got the really persistent virus. He told me that some of the viruses simply can not be prevented. That was not a good thing to hear.

  2. Comments are definitely part of the fun of blogging, aren’t they? Glad you’re back up – I do feel so much better when I don’t understand something on WordPress, and a Forum person helps me out.

    • Yes the forum is great but I am having computer problems. I can’t get to my original notification site. I had my computer in for viruses etc removal and the man said I had a very bad one that he had only seen on one other computer. I think the virus might be back since I can’t find my other notification site (the one that I had prior to the reader one). Thanks for commenting. I appreciate your time and interest.


  3. GrahamInHats says:

    I’m glad to see it’s all OK now. ๐Ÿ™‚

    I thought that you might like an opportunity to vote on the issues raised by recent WordPress changes. There is an overall objective and Voting starts here

  4. Hello, Yvonne. I’m printing out your blog as the comment bar situation has happened to me before. I must go back and read about the orange cats. I’ve been so scattered, I’m not sure when I read your blog last so have some reading to do, I think. My e-mail has piled again (somewhere around 49,000) as I have work I’m doing and when that’s going on I seem to become a dumping ground. Not complaining. Just saying. Now – I’m going to go look. Remember, God loves you and I do too. Sheri

    • 49,000 emails. That is mind boggling. I have no idea how you manage. You must be superwoman.

      Thank you for your kind and inspiring comments.


      • Yvonne – No, not a superwoman. In doing research I become so eager to find new information I forget to go back and unsubscribe from newsletters. I’m getting better as the days go by. I’m now down to a little over 21,000.
        How is your health? My prayers are with you. Remember, God loves you and I do too.

        • Sheri, you are a dear. Thank you for the kind words and prayers. I don’t feel good but, this has been going on for about two years now so I’ve learned to cope- sort of. ๐Ÿ™‚ I will answer your question about your dog after I do more research.


  5. Lottie Nevin says:

    I wondered what had happened regarding ‘comments’ – I wanted to tell you how much I enjoyed the photos that you’d posted about orange cats or as we call them in England, Marmalade cats, or Ginger cats. I didn’t know that you could get females, I’ve only ever had ginger Toms before and all of them have been very naughty, but very loveable! They are quite different from other felines in character. Yvonne, I’m just back from a week away so need to catch up with you properly. Will email later tomorrow. Lottie XXXX

    • Lottie, I copied your comment and moved it over the “orange cat” post. Look over there for my reply to you but I reckon you will get a notice- maybe. I wrote a long reply.

      Hugs a bunch, yvonne xxxx

  6. chatou11 says:

    Hi Yvonne, I like the comments being available again. I love that colour orange and I had one that colour and he was a female as you say it must be now and then. She had orange eyes too she died at 19 years old.
    Thank you for this post.

    • Chatou, that is a really long life for a cat 19 years is a fantastic age. I adore the solid orange cats- male or female. But then I adore all colors. my daughter once told me, “Mamma, you’ve never seen an ugly cat have you?” And that is the way I still see all cats. But the personality of the orange cat seems to be different.

      And yes, I am glad to have gotten an answer for getting the comment to work again.

  7. Looks okay from mine. Have a good day.

  8. Success! Success!

    So, as I was saying, Gingerlee looks like she had tiny piece missing from the tip of her ear. Is that from a tussle?

    • Mark, you are very observant. That little nick was there when I trapped her as a young feral. Maybe she was in a fight with another cat before I got her. I suppose that is the most common reason for a cat to have pieces of their ear missing. I’m ashamed to say that her ears were not the cleanliest in that pic. She had some ear mites which have since been eradicated. My cats were “semi” neglected for about 2 years after my husband died. I use a product called Revolution that prevents heart worms, hook, and round worms and, also gets ear mites. But the ears still must be cleaned of the ear mite debris. I clean the ears with a q-tip that I have dipped in a triple action ointment ( anti-fungal, antibiotic and a steroid). It comes in tubes and my daughter(a vet) orders it from Wedgewood pharmacy in New Jersey. It is a compounded medication and the tube contains 15ml. It is an excellent medication for healing just about any kind of wound. My regular vet orders from that pharmacy as well. There are other pharmacies that make it but Wedgewood has the best prices.

      Thanks for commenting. ~yvonne

  9. Midwestern Plant Girl says:

    The forums are full of really nice folks. I’ve had a few issues and they helped me out. Probably wondered what happened to all of us when you got no comments!

    • Hi Ilex. Yep, I thought this is another bummer of a post but then I looked and there was no comment bar. I tried and tried and then finally gave in and wrote to the forum. It was a quick solution. I hope now I can get it to work on the old posts. But I have no time for that this morning.


  10. Yes, on my putor too!

  11. Well oh joy.The cotton picking thing shows.


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