Monthly Archives: January 2011

Books For The Pet Lover

All the books listed here are true stories; some written by veterinarians. I have either read most of the books or read the reviews. All, I found to be well written, some times humorous, some times sad but never boring.

Last Dog on the Hill by Steve Duno   2010

The Daily Coyote by Shreve Stockton   2009

Tell Me Where It Hurts by Dr. Nick Trout, DVM

Another Cat At The Door by  C.W. Gusewelle

True Confessions of a Veterinarian by Gene Witiak   2004

All My Patients Have Tails by  Dr. Jeff Wells, DVM

OOGY: The Story Of A Dog Only A Family Could Love by Larry Levin

The Animals In My Life: Stories of a Country Veterinarian by Dr. Grant Kendall

Bill at Rainbow Bridge by Dan Carrison   2010    

Post by Yvonne

Litter Box Issues in Cats

 I was just catching up on some old journal reading on this dreary and rainy day and came across an interesting study. House soiling (not using litter box) is a big problem in cats and can often lead to the cat being left at the shelter for euthanasia. Cats are a  domesticated animal, but when they lived in the wild they eliminated in desert sand. Consequently, cats now prefer something as close to sand as they can get. Several studies have been done to determine what substrate (litter ) that most cats prefer.

  It appears that cats prefer unscented clumping cat litter over clay. Many litters are now scented, but they are scented to appeal to human, not cat, noses. Cats do not like the smell of citrus or any type of heavily perfumed sweet smell. If you must go for scented litter they like the ones that have Activated Charcoal added for odor control- it doesn’t mask the scent of waste material. Instead it helps to absorb it. Some cat litter has activated charcoal in it and cats seem to like this type better than heavy scented litter.    Cats also prefer larger litter boxes that are cleaned twice daily. If you don’t scoop them at least once a day and have multiple  cats using the same box, it is probably the equivalent  of  us using the Porta-Potties at ACL when it is 100 degrees out . Cats have sensitive noses and are very clean- notice how much they groom themselves?    The usual rule of thumb is one litter box per cat and then one extra. So if you have  2 cats, you really need 3 litterboxes. If you have a larger cat, make sure the box is big enough for them to eliminate in w/o their bum hanging out the back of the box.

  Also remember that if your cat is geriatric or arthritic, they may have trouble getting into taller litter boxes, so make it easy for them by providing shorter boxes.

Post by: Dr. D. DVM (Yvonne’s daughter) Posted January 4, 2011 website (vet to pet austin Site is no longer up)