Category Archives: Quotes by Yvonne

My Original Quotes and a Bit of The Ridiculous

Boogie was trapped as a young feral cat about 5-6 years ago. Weighs about 18 pounds. I adore this kitty.

Boogie was trapped as a young feral cat about 5-6 years ago. Weighs about 18 pounds. I adore this kitty.

A few of my own quotes/thoughts on life and pets. These are my ideas about life. Maybe my thoughts have been put to paper by someone else in a different way. This is what I know and think about life and what I have learned in my experiences. 🙂 I do not expect anyone to agree with my thoughts regarding pets. Some or most people will think my opinion/s are radical. That is okay.

“If something unexpected is better than expected that is a bonus.
If something expected becomes unexpected that is a problem.”

-Yvonne Daniel

“A rescued pet will be a light in your eyes and a highlight in your life.” -Yvonne Daniel

There are a lot of nuts out there on the highways. And they are not lug nuts on the wheels but two legged ones behind the wheel.” – Yvonne Daniel

“Being normal means the ability to walk that swaying fine line between sanity and insanity. Frankly, I don’t know anyone who is a tightrope walker.” – Yvonne Daniel

“A life lesson is one that you bought because you paid for it dearly.” -Yvonne Daniel

To avoid disappointment if you are nice to someone don’t expect gratification in return. -Yvonne Daniel

If someone is addled brained it figuratively means they can’t add 2 + 2. -Yvonne Daniel

“Ruralality versus reality. When you’ve moved from city life to country life and the reality of the situation is when you find that country life is not what you had expected.” -Yvonne Daniel

They say that money can’t buy happiness. But if you adopt a cat or a dog from a kill shelter it’ll be one of the wisest and happiest investment that you’ll ever make.” -Yvonne Daniel

“I’ve been down and despite myself I’ve never been out for the count or totally out in left field.” -Yvonne Daniel

“Animals possess an ability that we as humans do not have. A beloved pet connects to us and becomes close in mind, body, and spirit. I do not believe that we connect to another human being in this manner.”
-Yvonne Daniel

“Definition of a worrywart: I worry when I am not worried thinking that something is terribly amiss and I had better find out what it is that I have missed to worry about.”-Yvonne Daniel

“The life of a pet seems as fleeting as the life of a butterfly”
-Yvonne Daniel

“Rescued animals in my care- priceless.” – Yvonne Daniel

These quotes are the property of Yvonne Daniel. Please do not copy.If by some remote chance anyone wants to use any of these- please contact me at my email address:

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