Pets And Grief (Part 3)



Little Coley remained wary and skittish

Coley, my wild child. 9/8/2011

 I said goodbye to the little cat in the pics above this past Monday. I actually had a little story and in my haste I managed to delete all that I had written. Oh well, I suppose it was not all that good anyhow. I was having difficulty putting into words, my feelings about what I consider a necessary evil. I know that euthanasia is the humane thing to do for an animal that no longer has any quality of life. But I have had many pets over the years euthanized and it never gets any easier. Coley lived in my house for 15 years and during that time she became a part of my life along with my other favorite and older pets.    

Actually I have been sad for the past several weeks because I could see her demise slowly approaching and then the last 3 days her time with me went ever so fast. Coley was cremated and her ashes scattered over the vast property of the crematory.  I know that her spirit lives on.    

My little black cat trapped as a 5 month feral kitten

 Post and photographs Yvonne  


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10 thoughts on “Pets And Grief (Part 3)

  1. So sorry to hear about Coley. Hugs to you xo

    • Actually Coley died last spring or late winter. That is part of a post about pet loss and grief. I should remove that part. It is confusing. But thank you for your lovely words.

  2. TexWisGirl says:

    i’m so sorry. i know that dread and loss well. i hate making that decision and always wonder if we humans have the right to do so over animals, yet as humans we can’t make those same decisions for yourselves. but i know it is impossible to let them suffer any more, so they take a piece of our heart with them.

    • Thank you Theresa. You are correct on every point you made. The death of a pet is the one huge down side of having a pet. Cats and dogs just don’t live long enough.

      • TexWisGirl says:

        i don’t know why you wouldn’t show up on the feedjit gadget – especially if you’ve shown up before. i did see a log in from ‘georgetown, tx’ appear. would that have been you?

        • NO Theresa, thus not me. I have shown up coming from Kileen so maybe it is reading me wrong. mne other site did the same thing and then it fianlly corrected itself. I don’t remember whose site it was. I think I might have dropped that blogger-just did not fit the bill for me. another blogger site in Nova scotia has of late refused to accept my identity. Weird tto say the least. Maybe feedjit did pick me up coming from Georgtown. I’ll email you or try to can’t remember is you have an email address or not. I’ll tell you where I live . I started to here and then thought better of it. I an a fair distance from Georgetown. Quite a few miles that is.

          Does feedjit also record those visitors for you to see with in a 24 hr period or what?

        • TexWisGirl says:

          i’ve never used any of their stats features which i’m assuming they have plenty of. i don’t really keep tabs on # of visitors or # of countries, etc. like some bloggers do. i view the stats that blogger gives on the dashboard and that’s about it. ๐Ÿ™‚

          i’ve had my ‘city’ change around several times. sometimes it is after i’ve reset my modem that i see my feedjit city change to something totally different again. never the town that is my address, though. ๐Ÿ™‚

          my email is texwisgirl(at)gmail(dot)com. i’d love to have yours so i could reply to you if you ask a question. ๐Ÿ™‚

        • Theresa, when I commented on your post from yesterday I saw that I was showing up from the correct place. Odd that was working after I complained about it. At some point I want to ask you aout Bluehost. I don’t have even a fraction of the visitors that you do but I thin it would be interesting to see where people are from.

  3. Littlesundog says:

    I am sorry about your little companion. Her animal spirit will always be with you. I hope that your beautiful memories of her are a comfort to you, and that time will lessen the sadness you feel.

    • Thank you for commenting and your words of comfort. Actually that post is back from last spring or summer and I have since “lost” a few more. You see I have been rescuing cats for a long time. I have spent probably a fortune over the years on ny animals. I worked for 35 years and our house was paid for a long time ago so I able to use most of my salary. My daughter is a vet but lives 120 miles away . She orders meds and etc, that I keep on hand so that has helped. All of that has save me quite a lot. Some of the pets that died this summer I just can not write about and might never. I detest writing about pets that are gone but Coley I thought I could write about since I needed some material about loss. Thanks again for commenting. Please excuse typs, etc.

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